
How to measure your ring size

How to measure your ring size

How to measure your ring size

What you need :
- Pencil
- Ruler
- A strip of paper

What to do
1. Wrap the paper around your finger at the knuckle
2. Using a pencil mark where the ends overlap
3. Use a ruler to measure the length of the paper in milimeters (mm)
4. Use the chart below to find the corresponding ring size



所需材料 :
What you need
- 笔
- 尺
- 纸条

1. 将纸条绕过手指指节一圈
2. 用笔在纸条交汇处做记号
3. 用尺量出纸条上从头至记号处的长度(毫米mm)
4. 把测量好的mm发给我们即可

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